Character Education comes to Orange County

The Los Angeles Chargers and the Orange County United Way celebrated a year of character at Warner Middle School on June 5th. Chargers Players Rayshawn Jenkins, Anthony Linear, and Justin Jackson were joined by United Way CEO Sue Parks to tell their story of character and why it is an essential part of life. Warner students participated in a Character Chat with the Chargers and United Way volunteers that took the students through scenarios and asked them to seek solutions. Chargers Reporter Haley Elwood emceed the event and led the group conversation on how to approach life with great character.

The event culminated with an all school assembly that found the Chargers cheering on students as they competed in a QB Challenge to see who could finish the schools motto first. The Warner motto is Rocks:
Respect – Organization – Courage – Kindness – Self Control
The perfect way to end a Character Playbook event! Check out the local coverage of the event here.